Dr. Yunus and the Recent Vatican Human Fraternity Conference

credit: sanfordhistory

A Bangladeshi social entrepreneur who won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to fight poverty won't be going to the Vatican in 2024, thanks to a group called the Fratelli Tutti Foundation.

The group has invited Mohammad Yunus to speak at a World Meeting on Human Fraternity at the Vatican, which aims to promote "human fraternity in areas of environment, education, business, agriculture, media, and health," the Catholic Review reports.

"However, the irony is that, Professor Yunus, who has a sneaking support for the marauding Israeli occupation forces in Gaza and their military White House aides, has raved about his anti-war stance at the conference table," the Review notes.

In a speech last May, Yunus called for "a civilization of three zeros: zero global warming, zero wealth concentration, and zero unemployment."

He added that "society is based on maximization of profit, accumulation is the key of [sic] civilization, and (in it) we lose all the human values in us."

A spokesman for the Fratelli Tutti Foundation tells the AP that Yunus was invited by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, president of the foundation, to speak at the conference.

The spokesman says the Nobel Peace Prize winner "did not ask for this award

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