Pandemic Covid-19 hit Hawaii hardso hard, in fact, that some residents had to leave their jobs for weeks at a time, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports.
But that didn't stop the state from recognizing its entrepreneurs at its annual Hawaii Entrepreneur Awards last night.
Among the winners: The Most Intriguing Company: Maui Ku'ia Estate Chocolate The Most Intriguing Product: The Most Intriguing Service: Ka'o'
A customized collection of grant news from foundations and the federal government from around the Web.
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) released the Nigerian Sustainable Banking Principles, an agreement signed by 34 banks, including the original eight of the nation’s leading banks, that covered nine key areas: environmental and social risk management, environmental and social footprint, human rights, women’s economic empowerment, financial inclusion, environmental and social governance, capacity building, collaborative partnerships and reporting.